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(724) 471-6650
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The Business Lawyer McMurray, PA and Surrounding Areas Depend On

Licensed in PA & WV  | 3 Convenient Locations To Meet | Locally Owned Practice

Licensed in PA, WV & OH

5 Convenient Locations To Meet

Locally Owned Practice

(724) 471-6650
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Hours: Closed Opens 8:30 am

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Your General Counsel in Any Area of Business Law

Business owners face a wide range of challenges.  As an experienced business lawyer in McMurray, PA and surrounding areas, our team at Peacock Keller, LLP is equipped to help every step of the way. Call (724) 471-6650 to make an appointment with one of our skilled attorneys.

Starting Up and Staying the Course

Starting Up

Getting it right the first time makes for an easier road ahead. In recommending and structuring the right entity for you, our experienced business attorneys consider a multitude of issues – from tax concerns to governance to financing to future growth. Corporations, Limited Partnerships (LPs), and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) can help to shield your personal assets from the risks involved in running a business, but it’s about much more than filing some papers. It’s about what’s best for you. It’s about your future. It’s about success from the start, and we will be with you moving forward.

Staying the Course

Our business lawyer in McMurray, PA is on-call to assist with virtually any corporate matter and act as outside general counsel to businesses of all sizes across a myriad of industries. We count energy companies, manufacturers, retail operations, insurers, medical practices, hospitality and restaurant operators, residential and commercial landlords, accounting firms, and service providers of all kinds among our clients. We routinely draft, review, and amend commercial contracts, leases, employment agreements, non-competition agreements, bylaws, partnership agreements, and operating agreements.

In conjunction with our employment law group, we assist our clients in accounting for key employees to maintain stability. We partner with our litigation team when a lawsuit is on the horizon. We assist with internal governance to forestall disputes among partners. In tackling these challenges, our greatest concern is protecting and strengthening your business in a practical, cost-sensitive way. Your success is our success. 

Growing, Transitioning and Planning Ahead

Growing and Transitioning Your Business

The purchase and sale of an existing business can present unique challenges to both buyer and seller. Our attorneys help to structure the transaction and aid in diligence to guard against the unknown. Issues of all shapes and sizes arise throughout the acquisition process. Past liabilities, tax deficiencies, and real estate problems are just a few of the issues that can haunt the buyer and subject the seller to potential lawsuits well into the future. Our attorneys help to stop these problems before they start.

Planning Ahead

Family businesses face distinctive challenges. Business succession planning is integral to properly providing for the next generation while maintaining continuity in the near-term. Internally reorganizing equity, planning with insurance, structuring buyouts, drafting shareholder buy/sell agreements, and collaborating with our estates and trusts group to review and revise your existing estate plan are just a few of the tasks that can help you to achieve peace of mind. 

Nonprofit Organizations

Doing Good

Nonprofit organizations are subject to strict regulations and even a slight misstep can result in significant liability to the organization and its leaders. Our attorneys offer practical, thorough legal advice to both public charities and private foundations on a wide array of issues, including formation, governance, and qualifying for and maintaining tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). Additionally, we represent a number of 501(c)(7) entities. Running a nonprofit can be overwhelming – our business attorneys can help to ease the burden.

Comprehensive Business Law Representation

If you're looking for a business lawyer in McMurray, PA and surrounding areas, our team can help with:

  • Acquisitions and sales of businesses
  • Commercial transactions
  • Contracts
  • Corporate governance: bylaws, partnership agreements, and operating agreements
  • Document review services
  • Employment and independent contractor agreements
  • Entity formation: corporations, LLCs, and partnerships
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Real estate matters
  • Shareholder and buy-sell agreements
  • Structure and finance
  • Succession planning
  • Trademark

Our Business Law Attorneys

business lawyer mcmurray pa

Richard J. Amrhein

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Donald B. Formoso

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business lawyer mcmurray pa

Robert J. Waine

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Jonathan G. Higie

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Dorothy A. Milovac

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Peacock Keller, LLP

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